PurVac Central Vacuum System

Are you suffering from: Allergies, Sneezing, Wheezing, Bronchitis, Eye Irritation, Sinus Problems, Migraines, Asthma, Watery Eyes, Coughing, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath Problems? PurVac can help.PurVac...

PurVac...The Whole House Filtration System With ActiVac II AllerGuard & SilverClear True Hospital Grade Filtration

Purvac Allergy Central Vacuum System Facts About Allergens
Take control of the dust and odors in your home. Did you know that dust particles can actually stay airborne for hours? HEPA filters solve this problem and offers real relief. The PurVac Allergen Magnet ActiVac II helps further cleanse the air after it has been through the bag, the pre-filter and even the motor.
When the dust settles, PurVac comes out in front. A University of California - Davis School of Medicine study supports previous research proving central vacuums improve indoor air quality. The U.S. Protection Agency reveals that 6 out of 10 homes are "sick".
Caught in the act, 282 times larger than life,
by an electronic Raster-Microscope; it's the dust mite.

A leaky vacuum can turn a cushioned surface into an allergen launching pad.
Great for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers
Upholstered furniture seldom looks dusty but appearances can be deceiving. While a fabric covering often looks clean, it's really dirty because tiny dust particles are ground into the microscopic spaces between the fibers.

Go ahead, marvel at the unbelievable cleaning performance. Breathe easier knowing you've found a great way to improve your indoor air quality. Delight in the numerous convenience features and whisper-quiet operation.  We invite you to compare the PurVac central vacuum systems to any other system on the market. You'll see we're built better to last longer and to make cleaning easier.
Purvac - clean Good Health Starts with Clean Air

Improved indoor air quality for your family.

Ordinary vacuums can recirculate dust and allergens in your home. A PurVac system removes 100% of contacted dirt, dust, dust mites, pollen, animal dander and other allergens. It carries them out of living areas and deposits them in the collection receptacle on the power unit mounted in your garage, basement or utility room. A PurVac system can improve the air quality in your home, to make it cleaner and healthier for your family. And it's effective: central vacuums have been clinically proven to reduce allergy symptoms.

While participating in a product planning session last month, I learned some astonishing facts. According to statistics published by the Environmental protection Agency, asthma impacts an estimated 6.3 million children here in the United States. If you are a parent or family member of a child who suffers from this chronic disease, I know you are much too familiar with nights of interrupted sleep, limitations on the child's activity, and the general disruption of routine household activities. Asthma has been documented by the Center for Disease Control as the leading cause of school absenteeism, accounting for 14 million missed days last year alone!

PurVac sleek, new modular design houses a more powerful yet efficient motor that lowers operating costs and reduces allergy-causing agents ad well as noise. To protect you from dirt, dust, dust mites, pet dander and other pollutants, PurVac utilizes two-stage air filtration within the power unit. This power unit is generally located away from living areas keeping them pollution free. Both the EPA and the National Lung Association call this a definite health benefit. Bottom access to an ergonomic bucket design makes it easier to remove collected home debris. Today's lifestyles create unique cleaning challenges. Doctors identify vacuuming as an activity that can trigger allergies and asthma - especially with bagless or poorly-sealed machines that introduce allergens back into the air. The good news is there is an allergy friendly vacuum that effectively cleans homes while protecting the air that families breathe. PurVac vacuum cleaners were proven to actually reduce the number of pollutants in ambient room air and have legendary durability with high performance ratings. With a wide selection of accessories and power heads, the PurVac easily cleans all carpet types, rugs, couches, throw rugs, hard-floor surfaces, upholstery, fireplace mantles, ceiling fans, blinds, draperies, light fixtures, lamp shades, car interiors, keyboards, hard to reach places, stairs, and much more!  

A PurVac provides a cleaner, healthier and safer home since a central vacuum eliminates 100% of contacted particles vacuumed from your living environment. You and your family can breathe easier. The air you breathe...bacteria laden dust and allergenic airborne particles are drastically reduced throughout your home.

PurVac sleek, new modular design houses a more powerful yet efficient motor that lowers operating costs and reduces allergy-causing agents ad well as noise. To protect you from dirt, dust, dust mites, pet dander and other pollutants, PurVac utilizes two-stage air filtration within the power unit. This power unit is generally located away from living areas keeping them pollution free. Both the EPA and the National Lung Association call this a definite health benefit. Bottom access to an ergonomic bucket design makes it easier to remove collected home debris.

PurVac - Environmentally Friendly - Going Green

Save time, money, and energy with Green products.

Quiet - Noise Pollution

Quiet is good. Most people want to live in a quiet neighborhood, work in a quiet office, drive a quiet car...you get the idea. The same goes for inside the home. The PurVac central vacuum, located in your basement or garage, has to be the quietest vacuum made today, literally. Typically 20% quiet than their closest competitor.


The EPA has declared that adverse health effects, including premature death, aggravated asthma and chronic bronchitis, are associated with exposure to fine particles. Whiles individual particles are invisible to the naked eye, collectively they can appear as smog or dust clouds. Fine particles originate from a variety of sources: outdoors they are generated by diesel trucks, fuel combustion and power plants. But fine particles can also pollute the air indoors through wood stoves, air fresheners, and even vacuum cleaners.


Scientific research conducted by the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute determined that vacuum cleaners generated fine particulate matter due to normal wear and tear of the vacuum motor. The Institute tested air exhausted from vacuum cleaners for fine particle content. Surprisingly, many vacuum cleaners actually pollute the air you breathe by exhausting million of these particles per minute.

PurVac central vacuums are environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

Consider the dust mite. A microscopic, 8 legged member of the spider family. It's about as long as a human hair is wide (70-100 microns) and implicated in a wide range of respiratory tract problems. It's natural habitat is dust. Dust on curtains and carpets, in your upholstered furniture, mattresses and pillows. It thrives on normal household temperatures and humidity. That's why your bed still has more than two million inhabitants after you get up in the morning. The good news: it doesn't bite, sting or transmit infection diseases. But it does feast on those tiny flakes of human skin you're constantly shedding and it does, wouldn't you know, leave tiny droppings. Perfect pearls of glycoprotein, only 20 microns wide; they can cause allergies to develop and trigger asthma episodes.

Common Allergens, Ragweed...

It grows in vacant lots, at the sides of roads and it's a major cause of hay fever; so, just as summer turns into fall, you start to sneeze.
Dust Mites Hidden in your carpet

The Allergic Dustmite...

You could be playing host to 20,000 uninvited guests in every square foot of your bedroom.
It's nothing to sneeze at, it's in 99% of homes.
It breeds allergens.
Cats leave behind hair that can trigger allergic reactions
Cats are always cleaning themselves, which is why they always seem so clean. It's a natural habit. As they lick their fur, cats deposit a protein; it's part of their saliva. That, along with hair they shed, triggers allergic reactions among one out of four allergy sufferers.

Going Green Helps Not Only the Environment, but Pet Owners and Allergy Sufferers As Well.

In 2002, the Division of Allergy and Immunology at the University of California, Davis, conducted a clinical study that proved a link between central vacuum systems and allergy relief. The study found that patients experienced a 40% to 61% improvement in their symptoms when they switch from using a portable vacuum to a built-in central vacuum system to clean their homes.

One important note of caution, if your primary concern is removing dirt, dust, pet hair, allergens, etc.. then venting the central vacuum outdoors is an option, but certainly not the best idea for environmental reasons because it will suck out a lot of conditioned air from inside your home which will increase your utility bills. It's highly recommended in the central vacuum industry to use a vacuum that has a true finer filtration system such as the ActiVac II (comes with the ultimate pet vacuum) that does not require the exhaust to be vented outside. It's more eco-friendly to have an airtight insulated home.

Click here to learn how to properly vent a central vacuum.

-National Association of Homebuilders, Green Building Standards
Thanks to UC Davis, Builders Magazine and the American Lung Association for supplying this information.

Our Disposable Society: Unlike the thousands of portable vacuums discarded to landfill every year, your PurVac unit should be the least vacuum you will ever buy! Motors are replaceable and in most instances can be rebuilt. If serviced, a motor can last over 40 years. Help us help you reduce environmental waste.
Environmental concern and responsible stewardship of our planet resources compels the employees and ownership of PurVac Systems Inc. to act with integrity and obligation to our community when dealing with the byproducts of our economic activity. For this reason, we are committed to business practices that support sustainability, recycling and air quality.
All recyclable waste used in the manufacture of our units is collected for recycling and energy recovery. PurVac recycles all steel, accumulated from the internal manufacturing process.
PurVac uses recycled and/or recyclable packaging wherever possible.