Vacuflo Electric Powerheads

Vacuflo Electric Powerheads

Electric Powerheads For Vacuflo Central Vacuums

What is the Best Power Nozzle or Powerhead for your   Central Vacuum?

Next to choosing your Central Vacuum unit, the electric powerhead for your   built-in vacuum, is the single most important contributor to the actual performance of your   Vacuum.  The Highest Quality German Made Sebo Pro ET-1 and Sebo Pro ET-2 are the best in the industry. PERIOD. 

Sebo Powerheads are considered the “Ferrari” of central vacuum powerheads ranking highest in performance, deep cleaning, ease of use, and with the fewest repairs. When attached to your   central vacuum, the Sebo Pro works on low, medium, or deep pile carpet and can easily transition to bare floors with the flip of a switch.

Remember the old saying “you get what you pay for”. If you are budget conscious, but still look for quality, we recommend The Deluxe Comet, The Premium Champion, or the Wessel-Werk powerheads.

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